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Think twice, code once!

Never stop learning

I'm a big fan of these coders. I've learnt a lot from them, and I know I'm gonna keep on learning for long with their awesome help.
Always remember: a good code lasts more (and a good coder too).



The world largest developer site.

W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training.


Code School

Learn to code in the comfort of your browser with video tutorials, programming challenges, and screencasts.

Learn to Code by Doing.



Interactive courses on how to program. Courses are created by community and cover CSS, JavaScript, HTML.

Learn to code.

The JS Programming Language.

Take a sit, learn from Douglas Crockford.

Eloquent JavaScript. Second Edition.

This book from Marijn Haverbeke rules!

If you are losing your motivation.

Tomas Hrommik will really help you out.

Learn with your iPhone

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